Hall of Fame

Induction into the Hall of Fame is the most prestigious award bestowed to NMEA members. Nomination materials must demonstrate the following:

  • NMEA Membership: The nominee must have been a member of NMEA in some form (active, collegiate, retired, etc.) for at least 50% of their career. 
  • Significant Career: The nominee has contributed significantly to the profession of music education. Considerations include work in the following areas - opportunities for students; exemplary programs; event hosts for music education activities or contests; and innovative ideas moving the profession forward.
  • Outside Involvement: The nominee has been actively involved in music education outside of their position. Considerations include work in the following areas; guest clinician; state-level partnerships; advocacy campaigns, volunteering, member of other music education or arts-related boards; and mentorship of younger educators. 
  • Visibility in the Organization: The nominee should have a record of visibility with NMEA. Considerations will include the following areas - attendance at the annual conference and notable work recognized by the music community.
  • Service to NMEA: The nominee should have prior service to the NMEA organization through various capacities. Considerations will include the following areas - service as an NMEA officer, presider at NMEA conference sessions/concerts, service on an NMEA committee, presenter at NMEA conference, and director of a guest performing group at NMEA conference. 

The application for nomination submissions is now open. All nominations must be submitted by the deadline on May 1, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. Central Time.

Hall of Fame Nomination Application


1. Nomination must have three letters of recommendation from present or past music educators.

  • The three letters must be from separate programs (not all from the same community or school system). This does not preclude multiple letters coming from a community to show support.
  • Only letters from persons who have taught in Nebraska and know the nominee’s work will be considered as primary. Letters from Nebraska retirees can be considered primary.
  • Each letter of recommendation should address the award’s criteria. 

2. Additional Items

  • Biographical information must be included and be complete and accurate.
  • A photo of the nominee must be included.

3. Additional Letters of Support

  • Letters of support solicited from former students, parents, community leaders, etc are important and recommended but don’t need to follow the biographical format.
  • Additional supportive letters may be considered.

The 2024 Hall of Fame Inductees


Mike Koch


Kathy Ohlman


Royce Schweitzer



View a list of our past Hall of Fame Inductees