Nebraska C-NAFMEAs a Collegiate member of NMEA there are opportunities to serve in apprentice leadership positions within the organization, contribute articles to the Nebraska Music Educator magazine, and participate in our Collegiate Showcase recital. C-NAfME DUESCollegiate member dues follow the academic year schedule and are good from whenever you join through June 30th. If you are still in college, you may rejoin as a collegiate member starting July 1st. Join Today!PAGE QUICK LINKS
2025 COLLEGIATE HILL DAY FOR MUSIC EDUCATIONAll Nebraska collegiate NAfME chapters are invited to join us the morning of Monday, March 31st at the Capitol Building in Lincoln to advocate in support of music education policy and equitable access for all students to music education in the classroom. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about our state legislature, visit with state representatives, and see first hand how we as music educators can advocate for our students and art form. Attendees will be asked to report to the state capitol building in the morning for breakfast and our day will conclude before 12:00 pm. An exact schedule will be coming soon! Please visit with your chapters and complete the following form for each member of your chapter who plans to attend. Registration for Hill Day needs to be completed no later than Friday, March 7th. We would love to see you there! 2025 Hill Day RegistrationNMEA will pay for group (not individual) travel mileage and parking fees. 2025 COLLEGIATE SYMPOSIUMThe 2025 Collegiate Symposium will be held on Thursday, November 20 at the Cornhusker Hotel in downtown Lincoln. Registration information will be provided in the fall. COLLEGIATE CHAPTER OF DISTINCTION AWARDIn an effort to recognize the hard work and services the state collegiate chapters provide, the Nebraska Music Education Association will recognize chapters that exceed expectations and stand out in promoting the future of music education in Nebraska. In order for the award to be given to the most distinguished chapters each year, as well as making sure our Director of Collegiate Members in the state are functioning in a positive order, all state chapters must provide a brief report of their chapters endeavors during the previous school year to the Director of Collegiate Members by May 1st. The Director of Collegiate Members will then pass along copies of the reports to the selection committee that will select the two chapters of distinction. The Director of Collegiate Members will also make copies of the reports and file them away for reference. Chapters are allowed and strongly encouraged to send artifacts such as brochures, flyers, meeting minutes, pictures, etc. along with their reports. This award is given to at least two chapters that best represent three major areas: Chapter Operations, Service, and Professional Development. The selection committee also takes into consideration the presentation/clarity of the report. The 2024 Collegiate Chapter of Distinction Award is awarded to:
STUDENT TEACHER GRANTA minimum of two grants in the amount of $1000.00 each, will be awarded summer 2025 to students enrolled in a Nebraska college or university that has an active NAfME Collegiate student chapter during the 2024-2025 school year.
Submit an ApplicationNMEA BOARD POSITIONNMEA's Bylaws provide for a collegiate member seat on the Board of Directors. Every year the candidate for the office of Director of Collegiate Members shall be nominated and elected while in their sophomore year by student members of the Association in accordance with the voting procedure approved by the student representative board. He or she shall serve one year as apprentice (Sophomore year) and one year as Director (Junior year). All Sophomore student members are eligible to run for NMEA's Board of Director of Collegiate Members position. GUEST ARTICLESAre you a college instructor and NMEA member who would like to contribute a guest article for NMEA's magazine? NMEA welcomes guest article submissions for potential publication in Nebraska Music Educator. We encourage articles covering all aspects of music education at every instructional level, as long as they align with the magazine's columns. By submitting a manuscript, authors grant permission for edits related to grammar, style, and content. If you would like to submit an article, please review and follow the article submission guidelines linked below. Article Submission GuidelinesCONTACT INFORMATIONIf you have any questions, please feel free to email Andrew Feyes, Director of College/University Affairs, at |