2025 NMEA Conference/In-Service Clinic

November 20-22 (Thursday-Saturday)

Each November NMEA provides professional development for music educators at its "Conference/In-Service Clinic." Our event features over 60 clinic sessions with some of the nation's greatest clinicians and music educators along with over 15 performances from ensembles located throughout the state of Nebraska. Our event is attended by more than 2,000 people, including music educators from all levels, college students, exhibitors, and high school All-State participants.

The 2025 event will be held November 20-22 (Thursday-Saturday) in Lincoln, Nebraska. Registration headquarters and Expo are at the Embassy Suites, 1040 P Street, with conference sessions across the street on UNL's main campus (Westbrook Music Building) and at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. The Cornhusker Marriott Hotel will also be used for sessions.


Call for Session Proposals
Call for Performing Ensembles
Exhibit Information
Future Dates


NMEA invites session proposals to be submitted for consideration for the 2025 NMEA Conference/In-Service Clinic in Lincoln, NE on November 20-22, 2025. Conference participants come from all educational levels and include K-12 students and teachers, pre-service collegiate students, and higher education faculty in the fields of general music, band, chorus, jazz, orchestra, guitar, piano, popular music, and music technology.

The application to submit session proposals will open on January 15, 2025 and close on March 15 at 11:59 p.m. Central Time.


  • The standard session length is 50 minutes.
  • NMEA encourages submissions of sessions for all ages and experience levels. Sessions may be considered for our general conference for in-service teachers, Collegiate Symposium for pre-service teachers, or Tri-M Symposium for high school music students.
  • Multiple presenters per proposal are welcome.
  • If your session is selected, we request that all presenters be members of NAfME and NMEA (or a member of your own state MEA's chapter.)


  • For each presenter, provide your name, school/company, job title, address, email, cell phone, bio, photograph, NAfME/NMEA ID # (if a music educator)
  • Provide a title and brief overview description of your proposed session as it would appear in the conference program.
  • Provide an outline of your proposed session.
  • Identify the key learning outcomes of your proposed session.
  • Identify the content area(s) covered and the intended audience levels.
  • Identify the room setup and equipment needed for your proposed session.


NMEA invites applications from ensembles for consideration to perform at the 2025 NMEA Conference/In-Service Clinic in Lincoln on November 20-22, 2025. We welcome submissions from ensembles at schools of all education levels as well as community groups.

The application to submit ensembles will open on March 15, 2025 and will close on May 20 at 11:59 p.m. Central Time.

 Submit your Performing Ensemble


  • To apply, you must be a current NMEA member.
  • You must enter your membership ID number, and you should also have photos and bios on hand to upload for all directors.
  • You will be required to upload audio recordings (in MP3 format) of the ensemble - 3 selections with variety recorded during the 2024-2025 school year.
  • Ensembles that performed at the 2023 or 2024 Conference will not be eligible to perform in 2025.


  • All NMEA concert hours are free and open to the public.
  • Selected performers are responsible for their own travel expenses.
  • Selected performers are responsible for creating and printing concert programs.
  • Applicants agree to perform any day of the conference should their group be accepted.

NMEA records video and takes photographs during the Conference for use in our publications and broadcasts, such as the Nebraska Music Educator magazine, the NMEA website, etc. Submitting an application requires consent to allow any images taken during the conference to be used by NMEA. Those who wish to submit applications for a performing ensemble for the 2025 Conference may do so by adhering to guidelines and completing the online application. The Selection Committee will make all final determinations.

Conductors must be current members of NMEA at the time of application and during the Conference. The person completing the application must be the person actually conducting the ensemble. By completing the application, you agree that, if selected, you will follow the allotted set-up/prep-time and rehearsal time frame set by NMEA policy. No additional time will be permitted in the performance venue. Please consider this carefully when determining the type of ensemble for audition.


Become an exhibitor for the 2025 NMEA Conference In-Service Clinic November 20-22, 2025! The exhibit hall will be located in the Embassy Suites in downtown, Lincoln, NE. Attendees for our 3-day conference come from across the state of Nebraska. Conference participants are music educators from all levels including K-12 teachers, pre-service collegiate students, and higher education faculty in the fields of general music, band, chorus, jazz, orchestra, guitar, piano, popular music, and music technology. High school students who participate in our four All-State ensembles also have designated times in their schedule to peruse the exhibit hall.

In 2023 NMEA hosted a total of 2,480 attendees at our Conference/In-Service Clinic. The attendance breakdown is listed to below to give an idea of what type of reach to expect.

General Conference Attendance High School All-State Student Attendance Other Student Attendance (One-Day)
707 Teachers & Guests 155 in All-State Band 223 Tri-M Students (high school)
100 Exhibitor Personnel 440 in All-State Choir 315 in Elementary Ensembles
292 Collegiate Students 20 in All-State Jazz Band 95 in Middle Level Ensembles
TOTAL: 1,099 131 in All-State Orchestra TOTAL: 633
  TOTAL: 746  



Exhibitor Registration will open in August 2025.  Exact dates will be emailed to our list of exhibitor contacts during the summer. For questions or to be added to our Exhibitor Contact list, please email Jen Orvis at [email protected].

Registration fees for exhibit booths for the 2025 NMEA Conference/In-Service Clinic were:

  • $280 for the first booth (8 ft x 8 ft booth comes with one 6 ft table, two chairs, and a wastebasket)
  • $230 for each additional booth
  • $25 for each extra table (6 ft x 18 in)
  • $75 for electricity

*Please note these prices are subject to change in 2025.

Exhibitors will receive 2 badges to the NMEA Conference for each booth purchased. For example, if you purchase two booths, you will receive 4 badges for your booth workers. Any additional badges needed beyond what is included with your booth(s) will be $45 per additional badge. NMEA will also need the names of all badge holders so that they can be printed prior to the conference.

Exhibit spaces will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis on order of registrations received. 

NMEA sponsors receive early access to registration as well as discounted booth prices:

  • Platinum Sponsors - 1 FREE booth with exclusive early registration
  • Gold Sponsors - 75% off a booth with early registration exclusive to Gold Sponsors after Platinum Sponsors
  • Silver Sponsors - 50% off a booth with early registration exclusive to Silver Sponsors, after Platinum and Gold Sponsors
  • Bronze Sponsors - 25% off a booth with early registration exclusive to Bronze Sponsors, after platinum, Gold, and Silver Sponsors

For more information about sponsorship benefits, please visit our Sponsorship page.


IMAGE CONSENT:  NMEA records video and takes photographs during the Conference to use in our publications and broadcasts, such as the Nebraska Music Educator magazine, the NMEA website, etc. Submitting an application or registration requires consent to allow any images taken during the conference to be used by NMEA. 

RECORDINGS:  Video or audio recording of any session, rehearsal or performance is strictly prohibited unless it is NMEA authorized personnel.

CANCELLATION POLICY:  There will be no refund of conference registration fees, unless the refund request is due to a personal or family emergency (defined as death or illness of an immediate family member, or other similar circumstance). If the NMEA Board of Directors deems the request a legitimate emergency, the refund will consist of half the registration fee paid by the individual.


  • 2025 - Thursday-Saturday, November 20-22
  • 2026 - Wednesday-Friday, November 18-20*
  • 2027 - Thursday-Saturday, November 18-20*

NMEA conference dates were chosen to take advantage of the availability of hotels and conference facilities. Please put the dates of the NMEA Conference on your school calendars and notify all necessary school officials; working several years ahead will help avoid conflicts with other school activities.    

*Dates may shift depending on the finalized Husker football schedules.